It’s only been 28 days. I can’t believe/accept the reality that my best friend and only real friend has left me. It so fucking hurts.
He’s got a lock on the 10th of the month the rest of my life, at this point.
I was walking across campus and found this treasure from God to me via one of the Arts students similar to Ashley. (zoom in to read)
So pray for our family all three branches. In the last six months our family has taken a 90, 70+, 60+ hit to each unit but the main center has taken over a 100 impact.
Timothy’s flowers day 29
BTW: 3 out of 4 voted MAGA in November and actually 2 more I can name so sorry we are feeling the pain of the Demoncraptic Party with their buddies (RINOs much like Sen. Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham.
This day started out as a grand adventure into the known and unknown all intertwined.
The first cup of coffee @ 06:00 – 06:30 out back with the dogs first. A second cup in front of the comp. I was still exhausted from the game night before so I waddled back to bed for a couple of more hours. Groggy as all get out I rise @ 10:00 to walk out to a barrage of questions regarding the electronic filing of paperwork the day prior.
Ohhhh Let me get on that one right now!
It was my clerical error of putting numbers in the wrong boxes which prompted a call of an expert with the software that worked out my two issues. One was hugely satisfactory *cheers* the other no so much, but I got the (cost us $1,000) Bailey Issue resolved with all documents arriving at the correct destination.
All alone at the end of the evening.
It was cold to cool today (29 – 51 F) so sitting/napping in the shed was peaceful rest. Thanks God. Woke up to come start the hamburgers planned for dinner and it seems someone ate a pound of cooked bacon all by themself. *cries* (burgers were scrapped)
I was thinking ’bout a woman Who might have loved me I never knew
Take It To The Limit (Eagles 1977 Live) 4K Remastered Official Music Video for “Take It To The Limit” (Live from the Capital Centre in Landover, Maryland in 1977) performed by the Eagles.
Sleep tight and God bless you all.
You know I’ve always been a dreamer (spent my life running round) And it’s so hard to change
dsc month one
P.S. And it’s so hard to change Can’t seem to settle down But the dreams I’ve seen lately Keep on turning out and burning out and turning out the same So put me on a highway Show me a sign Take it to the limit One more time You can spend all your time making money You can spend all your love making time If it all fell to pieces tomorrow Would you still be mine? And when you’re looking for your freedom (nobody seems to care) And you can’t find the door (can’t find it anywhere) When there’s nothing to believe in Still you’re coming back You’re running back You’re coming back for more… Put me on a highway Show me a sign Take it to the limit One more time Take it to the limit Take it to the limit Take it to the limit One more time (take it to the limit) W-e-e… (take it to the limit) Come on (take it to the limit) One more time (take it to the limit) W-e-e… (take it to the limit) We gotta (take it to the limit) One more time… (take it to the limit) (take it to the limit) (take it to the limit) One more time (take it to the limit) W-e-e… (take it to the limit) Come on (take it to the limit) One more time (take it to the limit) Aaah-aaah-aaah (take it to the limit) Aaah-aaah (take it to the limit) One more time… (take it to the limit) (take it to the limit)
Written by: Glenn Lewis Frey, Randy Meisner, Donald Hugh Henley
12:30pm **For those of you have inquired about how I am doing, I’ll briefly let you know that although physically I am tired and my knees are sore – all the walking, lifting, etc is good therapy! Thank goodness that I was progressing well and am as far out from knee replacement surgery as I am (5 weeks tomorrow). I finally slept 7 hours last night so I feel much more rested and…I guess, peaceful, able to emotionally handle the day. I am trying to be obedient to Matthew 6:34 & taking one day at a time. Look how far Timothy has come! It is because of the prayers of so many of you and the hope and grace God gives that I am feeling this way. I feel your prayers empower and support me in ways I cannot put into words. Thank you again for investing in our family through your words and deeds!!**
A very good morning! Timothy has been awake and aware and holding a conversation with me for the past two hours. It is the first time he seemed to understand why he is where he is. He responded, “That’s not good!” when I explained that I found him unconscious and “Oh, no!” when I told him he had surgery to remove a mass from his brain. I re-read comments listed here as well as texts received since his hospitalization, and he said, “Tell them, ‘Thank you! Keep going [with prayers]’.” His speech is still slow and garbled but understandable. For our neighbors, he responded, “That’s a good thing about a small community” when I shared your well-wishes and so many offers of help and meals. I had to smile when he remarked, “They do that anyway” when I told her that our AHG troop friends were praying for our family. Roberta, he let out a big belly laugh when I read your note about picking out the menu for the next staff meeting! When his day nurse Cindy asked about how high schoolers were nowadays, he just said, “Drama.” (A very Timothy answer!) He did get very emotional all of a sudden with concerns about his diagnosis (especially how it affects the girls), and so we had to focus on today and our blessings. We are currently waiting for rounds from Neurology.
At a place that will not be named *writing a “concern” request from an “unnamed” vendor* We got a reply that someone was reviewing our information and formulating a plan of action. [Never heard from them again for the next 5 work hours]
Ashley asked me to send her my recipe for Stew. To be honest I don’t recall when it was from so many months back after her and Jacob’s move to Colorado, but I’ve been waiting for the weather to turn here in South Carolina. The changing of the weather is either a hard hitting event or a brief passing of Northern Winds blowing out into the Atlantic Ocean from the North-Eastern territory of The Republic of Horry County.
Grocery items for scratch stew
First things first – grocery shopping here is the scratch group of gathering:
1 The meat is important if you want some in your stew, if not, then leave out the animal and go for the plant stew. (I love beef so this’ll have that in it, sorry Mr/Ms Rabbit out there). This was a London @ $6 a #, and I was using beef broth with a water additive so I didn’t need the fat that can be found in other cuts. It’s your call if you don’t want to cut the meat up, but it’s more costly to have the bloke in the back wack your meat. You can go ground-what-the-heck-ever from 1# to 3#. A note you should learn is too much of any meat really overpowers the flavors.
2 The Vegetables can be just a frozen combination of your liking or the fresh market items. Potatoes aren’t diabetes friendly, but I still use them when I can. Okra a stew must. I went ‘mixed vegetables’ frozen to save a bit, celery rarely cost much more than the chives (grass) @ $1. You must have a green pepper (or it could be yellow/red – your call or not), onion/garlic a must. You can pick your burn, warm/hot/insane peppers – don’tbut if you must warn folks, broccoli, cauliflower, beans and any other optional vegetable you and your guest care for should be fine.
3 The spices – it’s is so easy to get a good season company’s premixed seasons for a stew, or if you must it’s not covered here what to gather other than a mix, pepper, salt, and herbs of your liking to flavor the meat in the first stages.
Prep – wash everything! You got no clue what snot-nose touched that stuff.
After washing all the items that need a bit of a bath, you’re ready to start chop’n.
Cut the meat into @ 1 inch or 3 Centimeters pieces each.Lightly bread the meat in flour
While the onions, garlic, and 2 to 4 Tbls of Olive Oil caramelizing in the Dutch oven or your two quart (no clue liter while writing this may get back to it or you can do it yourself; phuck in the time it took me to type all that sh!t up I could have converted and said 1.8927 litre) pot, get nicely combined we will start adding the breaded-animal-parts at this point. Be sure to constantly stir the pot, or your breaded meat parts will start to stick to the bottom.
Browning of the animal parts [captured here is beef]
It’ll take a bit to get used to the right stove top heat you need to brown the meat while not burning the starter vegetables. If you need to add another dash or two of olive oil, do not hesitate. Mushrooms will add liquidity Broccoli will add liquidity Canned vegetables with water add liquidity I try to keep about an inch of liquid above the total ingredients.
Stirring occasionally now that you have reduced the temperature after it came to a boil.
StartStir (get the bottom too)When it taste, “OMG Yum! More please.”
Then you have pulled it off.
You end this adventure with whatever toppings you prefer on your stew. I love oyster crackers and cheddar cheese. Let me know below what you love on your stew, if anything.
The biennial election of officers for the Horry County Republican Party is this week. It is on Thursday at 6:30pm (arrive 30 minutes early to sign-in), and for our neighborhood (Wild Wing) it is held at the Grand Strand Baptist Church beside Tanger Outlet Mall down Hwy 501 towards the beach, on the left before Hwy 31 junction.
It has been a great pleasure, most the time, to be your elected Executive Committee representative since 2009. We moved by home in 2006 from a seven-year chapter of our lives in Oro Valley, Arizona –(Tucson). While in Arizona I was a principal in a software company that provided County Governments with a revenue collection and distribution system that worked with all aspects of County government. During those years, I could not pick a party, though I voted primarily Republican in every election. We could not appear biased towards a particular party, and Arizona is a Party Registration State where you cannot vote in the primaries, or party conventions without proper registration, which is unlike South Carolina where you can vote in any primary or claim to represent any party when registering to run for office. That changed with the move back to South Carolina, finally, I could actively work for paleoconservative principals in the Republican party again.
It has been my practice to also run for State Delegate which requires up to three meetings in the State Capital and one U.S. House District “local” meeting, or more as required for the position. State Delegates are elected at the County Convention during the re-org years, so our Convention is in April, 2019. However, to attend the County Convention, there is a Party Membership Fee. This fee is not required by State Code law for the Precinct elections, only that you are a registered voter, voted Republican in the last election, and present a voter registration card at the meeting on Thursday. Bring you Driver’s License or S.C. ID Card to the meeting if you cannot find your voter registration card mailed to you “ages ago.” With a valid S.C. License, we can look up your voter registration information, but that takes a bit longer.
During my tenure, we have nominated Sen. John McCain, Gov. Mitt Romney, and Donald Trump; I only supported one – Mr. Trump. I didn’t vote to censor Sen. Lindsey Graham when Horry County ECs voted on the motion because I had not received enough replies to my inquires in Wild Wing on the matter. I personally wanted to vote to censor him; however, my respect of our republic form of government wouldn’t allow me to set personal before principle desires. Over the last three terms, I have fought hard to keep our republic representation principles alive when repeated attempts, using the County By-Laws, were presented to our party. I ran as your District 8 County Council Member in 2016, but lost to Councilman Johnny Vaught. I did win one Precinct with my door-to-door campaign that my family of four and I are proud of for those votes.
I hope you will join me and many others this Thursday to get our Horry County Republican Party back on track with representing our republican form of State and National government. See you there.
So I started dailies of The Focused Life with my “New Year Resolution.” I missed a few days, but all-in-all it went well in January. So, we begin again in February.
Proverbs 30:32-33 New King James Version (NKJV)
32 If you have been foolish in exalting yourself, Or if you have devised evil, put your hand on your mouth. 33 For as the churning of milk produces butter, And wringing the nose produces blood, So the forcing of wrath produces strife.