Take it to the Limit Eagles Live 1977 (Timothy was 10)
It’s only been 28 days. I can’t believe/accept the reality that my best friend and only real friend has left me. It so fucking hurts.
He’s got a lock on the 10th of the month the rest of my life, at this point.

I was walking across campus and found this treasure from God to me via one of the Arts students similar to Ashley. (zoom in to read)
So pray for our family all three branches. In the last six months our family has taken a 90, 70+, 60+ hit to each unit but the main center has taken over a 100 impact.

BTW: 3 out of 4 voted MAGA in November and actually 2 more I can name so sorry we are feeling the pain of the Demoncraptic Party with their buddies (RINOs much like Sen. Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham.