2025 02 19 18:11 A Day in the life…

November 6, 2004 11:18 @ Stacey and Susan's Wedding

The last month has been, well wait a second this has been happening since Christmas 2024 as we celebrated Donald J. Trump Presidential win in November. Then in horror we watched as Sen. Lindsey Graham and his Demoncraps “buddies,” Biden and Obama, raped the hell out of the citizens of the United States of America with reckless spending. Some folks refer to these last few months of the Democrat controlled Obama’s 3rd term as, “They were throwing gold bars off the Titanic while not wearing a life jacket.”

Since Trump has been in office the Department Of Government Efficiency (DOGE) has become operational, their actions for “We the people” has given them the insight into the spending’s how and where billions (in some cases accumulated up to trillions) of taxpayer dollars that has been controlled by the Democrat House and RINO Senate during the Obama 3rd terms. All dollars pathway have been found that Sen. Lindsey Graham and his Democrat compadres have spent to only have it come back to their “purses (election fund),”. Great job if you can snag it.

February 14 – 15, 2024 are days that I pray stay in my mind forever. The pain of a one-way conversation with your brother of fifty-seven (57) years belongs to a select collection of humans whom really and truly understand the “kick-in-the-balls” of the news about a death in the family, and experience the process of the final goodbye. At death, we will meet each other again. I am so $%*@ing happy he did not have to go through Chemo, or have his chest busted open, or go through the waning days/hours till you have that fateful meeting with death. No fucking pain, the way to go.

Now it is the time of your journey in Heaven. You beat me to it. *wink* Always wanting to best your older brother. So many times, so many things, so many experiences you have beaten the pooh out of me.

2025 02 14-16 A Day in the life

Conway, South Carolina – 05:00 – it’s coffee time. 06:00 – it’s departure time.

Once arriving in Boone’s Mill, I began to see residual snow on the North face hills/woods, then after a few more hills, the mountain tops showed signs of the previous winter storm. The downed trees due to God’s pruning were all along the highway.

Lexington, Virginia has a massive amount of real History in it that I had totally missed out upon prior to this visit. Due to the nature of this visit, no visiting and/or exploration was done to any real extent. (More to come…)

The trip back was very rough to start with due to the winter storm blowing in from the West. Water was coming down as if an Ark had been built. *wink* Having Tractor-trailers on the roadways in bunches was a pain when some “numbnut” wasn’t passing with ‘authority.’ Come’on ppl its deadly out here an you are running at 50mph in a 70mph, ignore the warning signs of weather it’s only rain. “What you haven’t driven in hurricanes before?”
After Greensboro, the weather eased up and the ride was rather relaxing till Horry County.

Sunday we worshipped and got the lawn done once the rains moved on. The temperatures are going to drop for Monday and the rest of next week.

2025 02 10 A day in the life

Ashley and Jacob's wedding: Timothy, Tracey, Molly and Piper Cochran

Goodbye Timothy. We love(d) you so much and so many laughs and cries along the way.

September 10, 1967 – February 10, 2025

I love you. We love you. Jesus loves you. Thank you.

*The last week of my brother’s life*

“Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, but have not love, it profits me nothing.” 1 Corinthians 13:1-3

Timothy’s reply to my bible verse: ” (thumbs up)(heart) this world needs more Jesus’s love for sure (heart)” 07:29 Hours


2025 02 09 A day in the life

Well got to talk to Timothy today. While he sounds a bit like Nancy from San Fran, his content was a enormous amount of more substantive.

It was a huge blessing to be able to share.

God bless.

Of note the hamburgers were a hit and Dad commented, I could eat that everyday if you want to cook it. He loved the bacon condiment made with the press Aimee (Santa) got me this past Christmas.

Because of the coffees drunk at the game Saturday night, I didn’t finally get to sleep till approaching 06:30 this morning. Three hours of nap and the day begins. 😉 *wink*

2025 02 06 20:01 A Day in the Life.

Word about Timothy was very hopeful and promising with his progress. Tracey has done an amazing job with the website entries: https://www.caringbridge.org/site/9ac1d169-e1bf-11ef-a3c0-e3b0215c5121

Thursday, February 6, 2025

12:30pm **For those of you have inquired about how I am doing, I’ll briefly let you know that although physically I am tired and my knees are sore – all the walking, lifting, etc is good therapy! Thank goodness that I was progressing well and am as far out from knee replacement surgery as I am (5 weeks tomorrow). I finally slept 7 hours last night so I feel much more rested and…I guess, peaceful, able to emotionally handle the day. I am trying to be obedient to Matthew 6:34 & taking one day at a time. Look how far Timothy has come! It is because of the prayers of so many of you and the hope and grace God gives that I am feeling this way. I feel your prayers empower and support me in ways I cannot put into words. Thank you again for investing in our family through your words and deeds!!**

A very good morning! Timothy has been awake and aware and holding a conversation with me for the past two hours. It is the first time he seemed to understand why he is where he is. He responded, “That’s not good!” when I explained that I found him unconscious and “Oh, no!” when I told him he had surgery to remove a mass from his brain. I re-read comments listed here as well as texts received since his hospitalization, and he said, “Tell them, ‘Thank you! Keep going [with prayers]’.” His speech is still slow and garbled but understandable. For our neighbors, he responded, “That’s a good thing about a small community” when I shared your well-wishes and so many offers of help and meals. I had to smile when he remarked, “They do that anyway” when I told her that our AHG troop friends were praying for our family. Roberta, he let out a big belly laugh when I read your note about picking out the menu for the next staff meeting! When his day nurse Cindy asked about how high schoolers were nowadays, he just said, “Drama.” (A very Timothy answer!) He did get very emotional all of a sudden with concerns about his diagnosis (especially how it affects the girls), and so we had to focus on today and our blessings. We are currently waiting for rounds from Neurology.

At a place that will not be named
*writing a “concern” request from an “unnamed” vendor* We got a reply that someone was reviewing our information and formulating a plan of action. [Never heard from them again for the next 5 work hours]

Dad’s Beef Stew and/or Vegetable Stew: It’s your call

Ashley asked me to send her my recipe for Stew. To be honest I don’t recall when it was from so many months back after her and Jacob’s move to Colorado, but I’ve been waiting for the weather to turn here in South Carolina. The changing of the weather is either a hard hitting event or a brief passing of Northern Winds blowing out into the Atlantic Ocean from the North-Eastern territory of The Republic of Horry County.

Grocery items for scratch stew

First things first – grocery shopping here is the scratch group of gathering:

1 The meat is important if you want some in your stew, if not, then leave out the animal and go for the plant stew. (I love beef so this’ll have that in it, sorry Mr/Ms Rabbit out there). This was a London @ $6 a #, and I was using beef broth with a water additive so I didn’t need the fat that can be found in other cuts.
It’s your call if you don’t want to cut the meat up, but it’s more costly to have the bloke in the back wack your meat. You can go ground-what-the-heck-ever from 1# to 3#. A note you should learn is too much of any meat really overpowers the flavors.

2 The Vegetables can be just a frozen combination of your liking or the fresh market items. Potatoes aren’t diabetes friendly, but I still use them when I can. Okra a stew must. I went ‘mixed vegetables’ frozen to save a bit, celery rarely cost much more than the chives (grass) @ $1. You must have a green pepper (or it could be yellow/red – your call or not), onion/garlic a must. You can pick your burn, warm/hot/insane peppers – don’t but if you must warn folks, broccoli, cauliflower, beans and any other optional vegetable you and your guest care for should be fine.

3 The spices – it’s is so easy to get a good season company’s premixed seasons for a stew, or if you must it’s not covered here what to gather other than a mix, pepper, salt, and herbs of your liking to flavor the meat in the first stages.

Prep – wash everything! You got no clue what snot-nose touched that stuff.

After washing all the items that need a bit of a bath, you’re ready to start chop’n.

Cut the meat into @ 1 inch or 3 Centimeters pieces each.
Lightly bread the meat in flour

While the onions, garlic, and 2 to 4 Tbls of Olive Oil caramelizing in the Dutch oven or your two quart (no clue liter while writing this may get back to it or you can do it yourself; phuck in the time it took me to type all that sh!t up I could have converted and said 1.8927 litre) pot, get nicely combined we will start adding the breaded-animal-parts at this point. Be sure to constantly stir the pot, or your breaded meat parts will start to stick to the bottom.

Browning of the animal parts [captured here is beef]

It’ll take a bit to get used to the right stove top heat you need to brown the meat while not burning the starter vegetables. If you need to add another dash or two of olive oil, do not hesitate.
Mushrooms will add liquidity
Broccoli will add liquidity
Canned vegetables with water add liquidity
I try to keep about an inch of liquid above the total ingredients.

Stirring occasionally now that you have reduced the temperature after it came to a boil.

Stir (get the bottom too)
When it taste, “OMG Yum! More please.”

Then you have pulled it off.

You end this adventure with whatever toppings you prefer on your stew. I love oyster crackers and cheddar cheese. Let me know below what you love on your stew, if anything.

Happy Birthday Dad, welcome to the end of the world.

Dear Dad,

I bet you didn’t think you would ever see an election stolen by less than 16% of the total counties in the total United States of America. There are a total of 3142 counties (per WorldAtlas) in the United States of America. Mr. Biden only won 527 of them (per AP News). But we are supposed to think that a guy that couldn’t get 1,500 people to show up at his campaign events, or that he even campaigned the last six months of the 2020 cycle some how beat the Kenyan’s votes in 2008. By some miracle of Satan this 79 year old life-long political hack from Delaware got 11,000,000 more votes than the half-white communist Obama.

Well, as “social media” and our colleges outlaw Christianity as “hate speech” we can draw comfort that the bible forewarned us of these days ahead. As we have to watch hypocritical idiots of the lighter pigmentation claim they hate their “whiteness” and want socialist democracy to rule the land, we who actually know what happens in a socialist democracy (Nazi Germany) are labeled as bigots, fascist and (by some rather wacky stretch of imagination) Klu Klu Klan / white supremist as we attempt to point them to the thousands of books on what socialist democracy is like in the real world. The “news,” if you can call it that anymore, pushes propaganda more than actual facts to keep the weak-minded in line with the group-think they want them to follow. Hitler would have a massive hard-on for CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC and even (it’s a fucking sports network) ESPN.

It can’t be much longer till Christ returns, and we have to keep that as our real focus. I’m not giving up, but I’m getting real tired of trying to fix issues within the parameters of the rules being “played” only to have the rules be ignored for some and forced on others – just like Russia did for 70 plus years. We keep praying.

More later, if we are allowed to speak.


You son – Daniel

Mid-summer dream

The garden is coming along rather nicely this year, I must say. Cantaloupes, tomatoes, pole beans, yellow squash, asparagus, basil, cilantro, green peppers, oregano, and a few other herbal plants.

I do find it “funny” that all the rain seems to avoid the sky above my dirt hole of plants. Finally after almost two months of no real rain it has come from the sky, but seems to avoid watering my little plot of dirt.

I gave up on the weeds and submitted to non-organic products to blast the darn invaders. The vinegar/salt/dish-detergent mixture works on a lot, but there are some weeds in South Carolina that just look up from that spray and say thanks for the growth hormones.