2025 02 14-16 A Day in the life

Conway, South Carolina – 05:00 – it’s coffee time. 06:00 – it’s departure time.

Once arriving in Boone’s Mill, I began to see residual snow on the North face hills/woods, then after a few more hills, the mountain tops showed signs of the previous winter storm. The downed trees due to God’s pruning were all along the highway.

Lexington, Virginia has a massive amount of real History in it that I had totally missed out upon prior to this visit. Due to the nature of this visit, no visiting and/or exploration was done to any real extent. (More to come…)

The trip back was very rough to start with due to the winter storm blowing in from the West. Water was coming down as if an Ark had been built. *wink* Having Tractor-trailers on the roadways in bunches was a pain when some “numbnut” wasn’t passing with ‘authority.’ Come’on ppl its deadly out here an you are running at 50mph in a 70mph, ignore the warning signs of weather it’s only rain. “What you haven’t driven in hurricanes before?”
After Greensboro, the weather eased up and the ride was rather relaxing till Horry County.

Sunday we worshipped and got the lawn done once the rains moved on. The temperatures are going to drop for Monday and the rest of next week.